Brookvine Services presents:
Mentoring Professionals for
Leadership -MPL
For those with interest in nonprofit leadership and executive positions.

A highly selective program at no cost to chosen candidates.
How to Apply
If you meet the eligibility requirements or you're interested in more information, send a letter of request to attend our next upcoming 2 hour seminar (TBD) for more information. Send your request to:
​ support@brookvineskills.com
​Your email request should consist of the following:
​ 1) *Name
​ 2) *Your return email address (if different)
(Subject line: MPL Seminar)
​ 3) *Phone number
4) School or other business where you
obtained information about MPL
​ 5) A brief paragraph of your interest
This above email information will be considered as your registration. You will be emailed regarding the next date, time and location of the seminar. Responses will only be for those who are eligible and provide the requested above information.
Questions will not be addressed in the preregistration email. Please hold any questions you may have for the seminar.
Attendance is only for those who preregister.
Seating is limited.
*Unless otherwise authorized by you, your information is considered private and will not be sold to 3rd parties or other marketing purposes.